Whether it's a stunning crystal blue necklace you need for a night out on the town or simple blue stud earrings for everyday use, we've got the vintage styles you want at the right price. We've pulled together a mixture of hot sellers & 1928 Jewelry personal favorites to bring you this collection.
Silver Tone and Black OnyxSilver Tone and MalachiteSilver Tone and Green AventurineSilver Tone and Blue LaceSilver Tone and White QuartzSilver Tone and White HowliteSilver Tone and Brown SandstoneSilver Tone and Black Obsidian+ 5 more
Rose QuartzGreen OnyxTurquoiseAventurineMalachiteMarble JadeJadeDark JadeAgateLavender QuartzRiverstoneQuartzWhite HowliteTigers EyeCarnelianObsidianHematiteOnyx+ 15 more